Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Taylor’s Big Boy Bed

Well, Mr. T is almost 2 weeks old, where does the time go?  Casey and I have adjusted pretty well to the new addition, finally getting somewhat of a routine down.  So far, he has been a great baby.  Mr. T gets up 2 times per night, after his 9:30 feeding.    I take the 1 o’clock feeding and Casey takes the 5 o’clock feeding.  It works pretty well for us, although Casey is getting more excited that I have started to produce a little milk.  He thinks that his 5 o’clock shift will have to be passed off to me very soon. 

Casey and I still have the nursery to work on, so we decided to get some of that done yesterday.  (Trying to take advantage of Casey’s last week off before he goes back to work.)  Well, this fell right during Taylor’s nap time, which at this stage is pretty much all day.  We thought it probably wasn’t a good idea to leave him downstairs alone with the dogs, so we brought him to his crib.  Well, let me tell you, he was so content in that crib!  He slept for 4 hours straight, then of course became hungry.  I had to get a picture of his first nap in his big boy bed.

Taylor first nap 001

There always has to be a gator watching over him.

Taylor first nap 002

Just peacefully dreaming…

It’s amazing how fast time flies, and how quickly he is growing.  We have his 2 week check-up today, so let’s hope that he is continuing to gain some weight and getting stronger every day.  I am trying to cherish this time with him, as I know he won’t be this small for long! 

Until next time…

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Yay for milk production!! I hope it keeps up! :)