Thursday, May 28, 2009

Our felon of a dog...

So many already know the story of little ol' Aspen, but for those of you who haven't, let me enlighten you. For those of you have met Aspen, you would probably agree that she is one of the laziest dogs ever. She sleeps all the time, loves to cuddle, and every once in a while gets a little hyper. Well, we were lucky enough to already have an electric fence in our yard when we purchased the house, so all we had to do was buy a couple of collars. Considering the last post, Aspen being a bad ass and all, she doesn't exactly care about the dinky ol' fence. She has come to realize that if she runs fast enough, it really doesn't hurt all that bad. Unfortunately, we have neighbors who's children are deathly afraid of dogs, and one morning, apparently Apen "attacked" her 8 year-old granddaughter. When really, the little girl was afraid, ran the opposite way, and fell down. Now, I don't have any experience with the law, but I am pretty sure using inappropriate verbage is a fraudulent accusation, and has anyone ever heard of a pur-bred lab "attacking" anything other than a bird? Our two-year old neighbor isn't even afraid of her! So, after I left for work, and Casey is about to walk out the door, he gets a pleasant visit from the police. Oh yes, the crazy African woman called the cops on Aspen! Not even Kodi! The police informed Casey that Aspen is the "aggressor" and needs to be under voice command or on a leash. This has slightly put a damper on letting the dogs run around, and I am dreading the winter, but all in all, at least we didn't have to go to court. So now the joke at work is that we have a felon is her mug shot.

Monday, May 18, 2009

We love visitors!

So I apologize for really slacking on updating the blog. We have been busy with all the visitors, and have thoroughly enjoyed their company. We first had Jamie up here, which was a wonderful surprise when she got out of the truck with Casey to surprise me. I was so excited to see her! I am disappointed we didn't take more pictures, but we loved just hanging out like old times with her. Sitting on the couch, making fun of Casey...the usual. Then, my daddy came to visit. He helped us finish the outdoor lights, put in a new kitchen sink (which is awesome!), and changed Casey's brakes. He and Casey played some horseshoes to close out the night. I loved having my dad here, but of course am sad to see him go. At least this time I know he's sneaking out tomorrow morning. That's really all that is new with our lives up here. We are settling into being married, and owning a home, which seems to be your new project every day. We are also enjoying the unbelievable weather. For the first time this year, we hit 80 degrees at around 6 this evening. The only other thing that is new is my bike!! I must admit, it is pretty kick butt. Casey brought it home last week, and surprised me. We went on a 10 mile bike ride that night, before I went to work all night!
PS....Aspen is a bad ass...for lack of better words.