Thursday, July 17, 2008

The first show that I own, well, it was so fantastic that the boss man decided to extend it through another week. We are getting more people walking through in 15 minutes than the store sees all day. We have had to run and hide several times due to some severe weather, but all in all, it has been a success so far.
Tomorrow I am helping TJ with the first day of Captain Jack's, down at Prior Lake, but since I am heading up this show at Costco, I am regretible going to miss the festivities on Saturday down at the lake.
With both locations working we are going to create a lot of excitement and maybe sell some boats. Or at least that is the goal.
We are started to be in charge of a lot more fascits of the business. I made 7 peoples schedules for the entire week on monday, and they basically had to go where I told. I consider myself a just leader of the people. Hopefully this is training for some future bigger and better things. Only time will tell.
From the baren ice fields of Minnesooooottaa,
Pura Vida,

1 comment:

Joe said...

Sounds like you are doing really well. Keep it up and the big bossman will keep giving you more to do.