Monday, March 16, 2009

We have neighbors!?

Today is the reason people live in Minnesota. It was one of the most beautiful days I have ever seen. It made me completely forget that for the past five and a half months, we haven't seen temperatures above fifty. After coming home from work, we took the dogs on a walk and just enjoyed our deck, and the beautiful view, which I am sure you can see! How wonderful is it that we can look at that and not have to drive anywhere. The dogs loved every second of it, and the temperatures are just a reminder that spring is on it's way! While we are looking forward to coming home, it is sad that we have to leave during this beautiful weather.
On a side note, last weekend, Casey and I ran in a race for the first time since the Marathon, and the first time for me in a year and a half! It was so much fun!! I can't wait for more races this summer. I did beat my last race time by a whole minute, which is pretty impressive for the 30 degree drop in temperature, and my head cold. However, by beating this time, Casey promised me money to go shopping!! He is already learning how to motivate me, this will be a match made in heaven! This is a picture of us after we ran, so pardon the no makeup and the hairdo.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Glad it's warming up in the Northern Tundra. :) Sounds like you guys had a fun weekend. Looking forward to seeing you in one week! :)