Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What We’ve been up to…

Everything!  It has been awhile since we have updated everyone on what we have been up to.  We have been up to so much, that we just haven’t had time to tell everyone about our fun adventures!  This past month has been very exciting for us.   Taylor is on an eating schedule, he rolls over from front to back regularly, he sleeps through the night (with just one night of thinking that 3:30 was wake up time), and he makes the most wonderful talking sounds.  We finally received his dresser in, so I have been busy finishing his room. 

Taylor 171

He LOVES the circles on his walls, and just stares at them.  He is now into 0-3 month onesies, but still in newborn pants.  While they are a little short, the other pants fall off his little bottom.We were also able to meet Mama Smith, who tells Taylor she loves him so much already.  

Taylor 176

The only other thing that has been going on was that Taylor had a spout of baby acne, and dry skin!  It was horrible!  His little face was so red and it just looked like it hurt.  We received some great medical advice from Dr. Dave, and it eventually cleared up. :)

Taylor 181

Taylor 011


He is doing really well holding up his head, and his smiles melt my heart every time.  It is amazing the love that you can have for someone so little, and every little thing they do makes you smile even bigger. Raising a child is the most rewarding experience that any person can imagine!  While I don’t wish these moments away, I can’t wait to experience so much more…


Taylor 247 

Taylor 038We hope that everyone else is having a fabulous time as well, and until next time…


Just Add Water said...

His room looks great Rebecca! I wish you were close by so you could help with Jona's.. you're a great decorator :) Glad to see you guys are doing well. Miss and love you guys!!

Danielle said...

He is just precious! And, yes, raising a child is the most rewarding thing in the world! Even now, dealing with a few bouts of temper tantrums and trying attitudes, I still LOVE it. Children are the most precious gift! So glad you are enjoying being at home with Taylor! Praying for you guys as you head back to work soon! Love you all!!